
Additional grille for vending machine

Double the capacity of your Proofer & Slow Cooker

  • The additional grid creates a second usable level in the fermentation machine,
  • Ideal for proofing two trays or four loaf pans.
  • Trays should be a maximum of 36.2 cm x 30.5 cm in size.
  • Loaf pans should be about 8 cm high, so that the maximum height of the proofed bread is 10 cm.


Double the capacity of your Proofer & Slow Cooker

  • The additional grid creates a second usable level in the fermentation machine,
  • Ideal for proofing two trays or four loaf pans.
  • Trays should be a maximum of 36.2 cm x 30.5 cm in size.
  • Loaf pans should be about 8 cm high, so that the maximum height of the proofed bread is 10 cm.