Grain mill MT 5 ED nut

The “Queen” of Mills

  • Classic elegance with traditional charm
  • Stainless steel thread for highest precision
  • Grinding chamber made of solid, domestic beech wood
  • The flour milled with granite must be felt and experienced



Includes 20% MwSt.

I grew up with this mill…

Grain mill MT 5 ED nutIf you compare pictures from more than 40 years ago with the MT 5 ED of today, almost nothing has changed. It remains “Our Queen of Mills“.

The silky glossy wood of the grain mill MT 5 ED smells of honey, and memories of the past come to mind.

“I grew up with this mill” – and the scent of freshly baked bread is almost tangible. Memories awaken of a time when mother had the time to bake bread herself.

These memories ignite a desire to take time again. Time for the family and time to bake, time for a healthy diet.

Dream with us now as you take the MT 5 ED mill at home to bake pancakes from freshly ground flour.

The balanced curvature of the funnel fits perfectly in your hand, polished to a mirror finish.

You lift the lid of the funnel and gauge, how many grains it can hold.

Countless grains like wheat, rye, spelt, barley, and many more flow from the funnel into the grinding chamber and bite onto granite.

A stainless steel thread is used to adjust how finely the flour is ground. Where else can you find such uncompromising quality? With a weight of about 3 kg, this adjustment system ensures consistently fine flour for decades.

Is a control glance at the desired flour fineness necessary during grinding? Absolutely not with this mill! From the first minute to the last, the chosen fineness of the flour is maintained. Mill professionals know what we’re talking about – perfect technology – highest precision.

Now the time has come. The special industrial motor developed for us starts to purr. A high-quality motor with 360 watts, specially developed for this mill in Italy and tested for months.

When the grey-black granite stones begin to turn, the flour flows as if by magic from the outlet.

How does this freshly ground flour feel? Incredibly smooth, airy, powdery…

With your fingertips, you can feel that this flour is somehow different. Different from the flour of the neighbor, who keeps trying to grind baking-friendly flour with a kitchen machine. Different, from the flour, which we grind for comparison with our mill next to it, with corundum-ceramic grinding stones.

Incredible that you can grind such fine flour at home yourself! “Just like bought!” That’s what we hear when you make your mill dream come true.

Then you also have the scent of freshly baked pancakes in your nose.

More information about ...

The heart of the grain mill is the millstone.

Based on experience and full conviction, we decided in 2016 to manufacture mills exclusively with granite grinding stones extracted from nature under the name Salzburger Getreidemühlen. The decisive factor for this decision was the convincing features:
  • Extreme longevity: Our granite grindstones often provide excellent service for 30 to 40 years with the factory cut and can be reground by us for a second, equally long life. You can no longer make higher demands on the durability of a product.
  • Almost unbreakable: We are not aware of any breakage of the grindstone or parts breaking off. Our granite millstones can even withstand the grinding of small stones that may be present in the grain, thus protecting your teeth. We are therefore happy to provide a lifetime guarantee* on our natural stones (*see guarantee conditions)
  • Granite is perfect by nature: without any artificial binders or additives, granite stone is a pure and natural material with ideal properties for grinding grain. Environmentally friendly and sustainable, granite is the only right choice for us.
The flour of natural stones can hardly be described in words… Airy, powdery, velvety, soft. These words are not enough. You have to feel the flour between your fingertips. Flour that you buy pre-packaged in the store is divided into types and produced using standardized processes. Grind your own flour with an original Salzburg grain mill and experience the differences and special characteristics of the flour in the bowl that collects your flour under the spout. How it piles up into flour cones and slides off, how it can be shaken or later behaves during kneading, unfolds during baking and ultimately reveals itself in its outstanding taste. The words of experienced bakers count for more than industry standards.
That’s the only way to make it – with the flour from my Salzburg wife”, a farmer’s wife from Upper Austria told us at an exhibition, who always bakes a very special cake for her small community for the harvest festival. And you could literally see the pride in her eyes.

From granite block to millstone:

Our granite stones, each pair individually, are carefully and patiently matched and worked with manual skill. The production of our millstones begins with a millstone blank, which is given the basic shape of the grinding surfaces and perfect concentricity. This is followed by several uncompromising optimization steps in which perfection is worked out through grinding tests, renewed expansion and regrinding in order to achieve the desired fineness of the flour and grinding performance. It is a matter of experience and something very individual which shape the expert gives the stone until hard and bulky grains such as rice or chickpeas are ground just as finely as rye and wheat. It’s almost like building a musical instrument, where several paths usually lead to an outstanding result. Now you understand the effort required to transform the granite blocks extracted from the quarry into small, round, perfectly balanced millstones. And how simple it is to industrially produce artificial grinding stones made of corundum ceramic, pressed into shape using a chemical binder, in a high-temperature furnace.

Each pair of stones is unique!

Our search for the right granite for our mills began over 40 years ago. Even in our early days, in the pioneering days of the 1970s, we set out in search of “the stone”. We searched for years in Austria, Germany and throughout Europe and examined the advantages and disadvantages of the various natural stones in order to find the most suitable granite for the Salzburg MT series. The blocks are still quarried in the same area in Europe today, but our knowledge of the value of these stones is much greater. More than ever, we appreciate the properties such as hardness, self-sharpening and durability and, above all, the quality of the flour that can be produced with granite stones. We, Salzburg millwrights, can also proudly claim to be the only ones in Europe with over 40 years of experience with granite grinding stones for electric household mills.

Why domestic wood instead of plastic?

Grain mill Carina hopperWood is part of human history and is a living, organic material. Real wood is nature and fulfills the desire for authenticity in an artificial world. Anyone who owns a natural wood kitchen will appreciate the benefits of wood. Food stays fresh for longer in the solid wood cabinet, bread does not start to go moldy, etc. The latest studies have even shown that the natural substance has bacteria-inhibiting properties. Germs cannot grow on natural wood surfaces. Due to its cellular nature, with an almost unimaginably large surface area, wood has a strong hygroscopic effect. The resulting dehydration creates a hostile atmosphere for bacteria and leads to their death. The topic of “Wood & Hygiene” has been a focus of research at the Institute of Wood Research at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna for several years now. Further sources on the subject of WOOD AND HYGIENE: Antibacterial effect of wood proven Dr. Alexandra Makulla Press Office Federal Biological Research Center for Agriculture and Forestry Wood confirmed as an effective bacteria killer in scientific study – Specialist knowledge – Wood & Hygiene

Our stainless steel thread and the symbiosis with the millstones of the MT 5 ED, MT 12 and MT 18 grain mills

Grain mill MT 5 ED nut

  • Together with the grinding stones, the stainless steel thread is the most important part of the mill
  • Guaranteed finest flour for decades
  • Guarantees no change in flour fineness during grinding

Over 40 years ago, Ing. Johann Thurner set himself the ambitious goal of developing the best possible adjustment system for his mills.
Since then, a precise steel thread, with the massive diameter of the mill housing, adjusts the distance between the two grinding stones.
A system that still produces the finest flour in many mills around the world, even after decades.

Today, modern CNC systems manufacture the thread with the highest precision, no longer from steel but from the highest quality stainless steel alloy available.
The weight of the thread of the MT 12 grinder is approx. 3.5 kg with a diameter of 16.5 cm.
A Salzburg grain mill owes its stability and robustness in perfectly aligning the two grinding stones to each other to this solid component.

This guarantees the finest flour for decades and no change in flour fineness during milling

The symbiosis of the adjustment with the grindstones
Each adjustment system adjusts the distance between the lower and upper grindstone. The stones always grind fine or coarse flour in direct interaction with the adjustment – as required.

It is therefore not only the stones that are important for the fineness of your flour, but also the adjustment system.

Regardless of whether you turn an adjusting wheel or a funnel or operate a slider, you always change the distance between the stones.

If an adjustment system does not work precisely, then the millstones are not exactly flat (i.e. they are not exactly parallel to each other). Then the stones cannot grind the finest flour and the coarse portion of the flour is greatly increased.

But how often do you hear: My grinder is only 10 years old (the problem can occur sooner or later) and no longer grinds finely! In this case, the adjustment system is usually to blame and not the grindstones, as is often assumed.

The stainless steel thread guarantees that the set degree of fineness does not change during grinding.

For a layman, it may be difficult to estimate the value of the stainless steel thread. But technicians, metalworkers, etc. know about the material costs, the manufacturing costs, the requirements for accuracy, etc.

Our stainless steel threads have been working with millimeter precision for decades, not only when grinding your favorite grains such as wheat, rye or spelt, but also hard and large grains such as corn, chickpeas or beans.

A stainless steel thread is uncompromising quality from the first to the last minute of grinding – for decades!

Warranty conditions:

The guarantee is valid from the date of purchase, for an unlimited period of time, in the event of breakage and breakage of stone particles from the granite despite use of the grinder in accordance with the operating instructions and manufacturer’s specifications.
The granite stones are replaced free of charge if the grinding performance is impaired due to breakage or chipping of stone particles.
The warranty does not apply to damage caused by the use of force or improper use.

12-year warranty separately
In the event of premature wear of the granite grinding stone

Warranty conditions:

The warranty is valid from the date of purchase and entitles you to a free regrinding of the granite grinding stone if this should become necessary within the warranty period and the grinder has been used in accordance with the operating instructions.

12-year guarantee on all other components of the household grinder such as housing, hopper, motor, etc.

Warranty conditions for all electric household grinders (Carina, MAX, MAX Special, MT 5, MT 5 ED, MT 12, MT 18 and Style) and for the manual grinders (MH 4 and MH 8).

The guarantee applies from the date of purchase for all verifiable material and processing defects and is based on our choice of replacement, repair or reimbursement of the purchase price.

Fragile parts are excluded from the guarantee. Wood is a living material and small cracks can occur in the wooden housing. These are not considered material defects.

The warranty does not cover compensation for consequential damage, loss or natural wear and tear or damage caused by force, improper use or lack of or improper care.
Interventions not carried out by the manufacturer or by persons authorized by the manufacturer will invalidate the warranty.

Technical specifications of the grain mill MT 5 ED Nut

Milling capacity “fine”: 90 – 100 grams per minute
Milling capacity “coarse”:
a multiple
Height: 40 cm
Base Ø: 19 cm
Hopper capacity: approx. 800 g
Weight: 9.5 kg
Height allowance for bowls: 15.5 cm
Coarse-Fine adjustment: continuously variable
Milling stone: Granite natural stone
Milling stone diameter: 9 cm
Mill housing: native, solid nut wood
Grinding chamber: untreated, native beech wood
Surface treatment of the housing: organic beeswax oil
Industrial motor: 360 Watt /230 Volt
Rotation: 1200 rpm
Warranty: 12 years