
Salzburg flour mill on board dream ship MS Berlin

Salzburger Mühle 1987 aboard Traumschiff MS Berlin and an enraged dispatcher who wanted to throw them off the train.

Werner Ultsch still remembers his cruise on the MS Berlin today. Under no circumstances did the enthusiastic pioneer of wholefood cuisine want to give up his Salzburg grain mill when he set off from Innsbruck as a chef for an exclusive culinary trip to Genoa to visit a ship.

He had never cooked on a ship before, and it was his job to convince the guests of the natural cuisine, which was not very well known at the time, and to spoil them. Therefore, he did not want to give up his mill in any case.

With on board were at that time pioneers of the whole food, among other things also Barbara Rütting, Baldur Preiml among other things.

Mr. Ultsch still remembers with a smile the long train journey when, during the change of trains in Verona, the dispatcher angrily wanted to remove the heavy traveling companion (80 kg) from the carriage.

Fortunately for the cook and guests of the dream ship, the “Salzburgerin” was too heavy for him.

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