

So that you can start the day strengthened, we have a super delicious and super simple smoothie recipe for you today –

Article of the Salzburger Nachrichten from March 22, 2022 by IRIS BURTSCHER – PICTURE: © SN/robert ratzer More and more want to

Well, any idea what you want to eat today? How about a full meal? Completely in the sense of nutritional and physiological

In today’s article we would like to introduce you to our Salzburger Grain Mill MT 12. It is one of our most

Whether as a dessert, with afternoon tee or coffee or as a sweet snack in between – these sweet wholemeal buns with

Loaves of bread are composed of two main components: the crust and the crumb. The crust – also called the rind –

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung e.V. ( German Nutrition Society ) – also known as DGE for short – is an independent

Today we have for you a recipe for a sweet pancake originally from the Austrian cuisine, the ‘Kaiserschmarrn’! France has ‘crepes’, America

The Christmas holidays are over and the new year is here. Probably some of you started January 2022 with a New Year’s

Now in the cold season, a warming grain soup is just the thing. Spelt in particular is rich in many essential vitamins

Quietly trickles the snow,still and rigid rests the lake,The forest shines like Christmas,rejoice, Christ Child is coming soon. * It is already

For the proper handling of bread, there are some important questions that should be asked in advance. We have compiled these questions

In the article about the “nutrient-rich oats” we informed you about the ingredients of oats and that they are very versatile. You

Winter is coming, the Corona pandemic is not over yet, and being healthy, or staying that way, is paramount. There are things

It’s pumpkin season and the internet is full of recipes. Whether pumpkin bread, pumpkin cream soup, pumpkin curry, pumpkin risotto – this

The leaves on the trees and bushes are starting to change color nice and slowly, the sun is setting earlier and the

In today’s article, we want to clarify what a regional diet is all about, what the relationship is between regionality and seasonality,

Friday, 27.8.2021 Morning I’m about to grind buckwheat and she stops, first time in 40 years! I am stunned, actually find the

In the article on “nutrient oats” we informed you about the ingredients of the cereal oats and that it is very versatile.

The oat – colloquially in Southern Germany, in Austria and in Switzerland also sometimes called Haber – is one of the most

Modern food trends are springing up like mushrooms. Again and again new diets establish themselves or change and find sometimes more sometimes

Today we decided to make a vegan, whole-food recipe without industrial sugar. And we promise you: these apricot dumplings taste really dreamy!

Anyone who owns and uses a grain mill probably already knows the benefits of freshly milled flour. But maybe there is one

How can enjoyment and wholesomeness be combined? Of course with our strawberry whole wheat cake! Because the ripe strawberries are particularly rich

Grain mill owners should know that storing flour for a long time brings more negative than positive sides. In principle, you should

June is the start of the blueberry season, so of course it’s a good time to bake something delicious. Today we have

Modern nutrition trends (2/2): Convenience food and fast food in vogue? In the first part of this short series of posts on

Modern nutrition trends: convenience food and fast food in vogue? The fact that societies are constantly changing and evolving is a phenomenon

In many rich countries, food overabundance leads to vast quantities of still edible food ending up in the trash. Bread and pastries