

Properly store bread and pastries Bread and pastries are an indispensable part of the diet. So it is important to know how

Grain mold beetle and house cricket in many foods in the future Many foods may contain small pests in the future, as

Fruity tomato soup (on the basis of a bone broth) If you have a ready-made bone broth in the fridge, this is

During the cold season, many people lack the necessary amount of vitamin D3 because they do not spend enough time outdoors and

How dietary fiber affects your microbiome and health Our microbiome is an important component of our health and has a direct impact

Pseudocereals quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat Strictly speaking, pseudocereals are not cereals at all, but grains from plants that do not belong to

Caraway, fennel and other spices in bread Bread has always been a staple food and to make it more digestible, the classic

Silicone baking molds: So many harmful substances get into the baked goods during baking Silicone baking pans are convenient, but during baking,

Detoxify naturally with brine Drinking a brine water in the morning stimulates digestion and is an easy way to detoxify a bit

FROM GRAIN TO BREAD (PART 2) Being there from grain to bread is what makes the difference. It is a real, traditional

FROM CORN TO BREAD (Part 1) The last two generations have been enough to lose millennia of knowledge about our food. Cereals

It’s all in the kneading! The quality of the bread is based on several facts, but then the essential ones are time

South Tyrolean Kaiserschmarren with natural sourdough and pear compote (12 hours preparation time) I don’t add any additional sweetness to my Kaiserschmarrn

Who would sell on a tool if they were completely satisfied with it? Why are there hardly any Salzburg grain mills on

Buckwheat bread – gluten-free baking with natural sourdough Those who want to bake gluten-free breads with buckwheat can also do so in

Food intolerance – a modern-day problem? A healthy body is designed to be able to digest all the variety of food that

Food intolerance – a problem of today? A healthy body is designed to be able to digest all the variety of food

Washing plants and their beneficial effects In nature grow many plants that can be used for the production of detergent. Among them

Collecting nettle seeds – everything you need to know about harvesting, drying and effects Nettle seeds are a valuable remedy in naturopathy.

Collect nettle seeds – all about harvesting, drying and effect Nettle seeds are a valuable tool in natural medicine. They can be

Make Frozen Yogurt at home by yourself Especially on a hot summer day we long for a cooling! Especially popular for this

Summer time – salad time so now we want to give you some suggestions for dressings for the, hopefully coming hot days.

Fluffy marble cakes, delicious apple strudels and creamy pies – for skilled (amateur) bakers, all this is child’s play. But with the

It is easy to assume that (bread) baking it is not only an art in its own right, but there is also

Today we have a cracker recipe for you that was sent to us by one of our dear customers, Mrs. Thoma. The

6 children, 1 mill and a ferry ride with turning point This mill story begins on a ferry trip from Italy to

Standing in the kitchen for long periods of time when it’s sunny and warm outside seems like a rather unappealing thought. The

Today we want to present you our Salzburg flake master with gear drive present. Thanks to the gears, it is now even

Cravings can have many different causes. These can be both physical and psychological: lack of sleep, stress, pregnancy, growth, strict diets, boredom,

Alternative sweetening? For some time now, it has been totally “in” to sweeten alternatively. And that doesn’t just come from anywhere. Refined