Carrot cake – juicy and vegan

Carrot cake – juicy and vegan

Beautiful good day,

Your Berti will be in touch again! Last week I shared the recipe for my Winter pizza shared with you. And? Have any of you tried them yet? The pizza tasted wonderful to me. And since I love snacking so much, I have again a great cake recipe for you. You know how much seasonal vegetables and fruits are close to my heart. Therefore, today’s recipe for a juicy and vegan carrot cake. Because carrots are also on my seasonal calendar for January. But now to the recipe:

For the carrot cake you need the following ingredients:Carrot cake - juicy and vegan

  • 100 g freshly ground whole spelt flour
  • 200 g ground nuts (almonds or hazelnuts)
  • 3 teaspoons of baking powder
  • 70 g brown sugar
  • 3 carrots (medium size)
  • 1 apple (small)
  • 100 ml vegetable drink (unsweetened)
  • 30 ml rapeseed oil
  • Cinnamon powder

And this is how the cake is prepared:

First, put all the “dry” ingredients – that is, the flour, the nuts, the baking powder and the sugar – in a bowl. Then wash and grate the carrots and apple in another bowl. Then add to this a plant drink of your choice. Since we already have sugar in the carrot cake, you could make sure that the vegetable drink is unsweetened. Finally, add the oil. Now you can preheat the oven to 180°C.

The last step is that you mix the “dry” ingredients with the “wet” ingredients. Now grease a not too big baking pan and put the mixture into it. The cake should bake for about 35 minutes.

After baking, let the juicy carrot cake cool and enjoy! I wish you good luck with the recipe!

See you soon and best regards,


P.S. By the way the
Anniversary offers for our Salzburg grain mills
still. Maybe now is the right moment to fulfill the desire of a mill with natural stone and wooden grinding chamber for the finest, flaky-powdery flour?