Danish crackers

CrackerToday we have a cracker recipe for you that was sent to us by one of our dear customers, Mrs. Thoma. The recipe comes from Denmark and Mrs. Thoma has not only tried it, but also refined it. In today’s post, we want to share it with you.

The great thing about this recipe is that all you need is a bowl, a measuring cup and a large spoon. Everything can be mixed by hand. Therefore, the recipe is also totally suitable for children to help.

Dry ingredients

  • 100 ml oat flakes (best freshly flaked with your
    Salzburg flake master
  • 400 ml grain/nut mixture (Whether sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pine nuts, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts or similar is entirely up to you).
  • 350 ml wholemeal flour (also in the best case freshly ground with your
    Salzburg grain mill
    ; the mixture of spelt, rye and buckwheat is particularly suitable).
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tsp bread spice
  • some pepper
  • optional: fresh parmesan

Wet ingredients

  • 200 ml water
  • 100 ml olive oil

Preparation of the Danish crackers

First, mix the dry ingredients in the bowl. Then pour in the wet ingredients and mix everything together with a large spoon. The mass is relatively sticky and should not be too firm. This could make it difficult to roll out and bake. If the dough seems to have become too firm, just add some more water. Preheat the oven to 190°C convection oven.

Now divide the mixture among 3 baking sheets and roll out each between two layers of baking paper on the sheet. Before baking, use a pizza roller or knife to mark a square division in the dough so that the crackers can be broken into pieces afterwards. Finally, bake the dough for 25 minutes or until the edges turn brown.

Once the Danish crackers are baked and cooled, they taste especially good with spread, fresh herbs and crunchy vegetables. Of course, there are no limits to what you can do. Simply spread and toppings as you like.

Good luck and see you soon,

the team of the
Salzburg grain mills

P.S. For the cracker fans among you, we have here is a very simple crispbread recipe for you >>