Extravagant bread spices

Following on from the article on “classic” bread spices, it should be said that other ingredients can often be added to bread to vary the taste of freshly baked bread.


Almost everyone knows the taste and smell of the classic bread spices caraway, fennel, aniseed and coriander.

Extravagant bread spices

But the interested housewife and the experimental baker have far more spices and optional ingredients at their disposal for even more aroma and exclusive taste.

Just try it, because in addition to extravagant bread spices such as cardamom, chili, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves, pepper, fenugreek, fenugreek, star anise and sesame are also interesting additions.


Whether you can call linseed a spice is a matter of opinion. But linseed is definitely a healthy option, for example together with sunflower seeds.

All grains that you use, such as sunflower seeds, linseed or sesame seeds, should be soaked overnight in lukewarm water and only then added to the bread dough. A dash of beer (preferably wheat beer) gives a rye roll the right flavor.


Simply mix these spices with the spice mix you know from the four classics. But of course there are no limits to your imagination: Wild herbs can also harmonize and create a slightly different flavour nuance. Here we mention dandelion and nettle.

Today, the addition of olives and nuts, but also cheese, honey, onions etc. is particularly popular.


Did you know that bread with nuts should be cut after 6 – 8 hours at the earliest?

The full aroma of the nuts needs this time to fully develop. Before you get to work, however, you should test which ingredients go well together and also check whether the spices you have in mind are suitable for your bread recipe!


Spices are like the salt in the soup – make sure you don’t oversalt your bread.

For 1 kg of flour, you need no more than 2 teaspoons of salt, which is best mixed with the spices and flour.


You may not have known it, but salt inhibits the rising of the yeast.

Finally, I would like to say that you could also try the pure taste of your bread, whether made from rye or spelt. Pure bread, without any additives, is a topic in itself. Pure taste!


Click here for the article about the “classic” bread spices: https://www.getreidemuehle.com/de/der-duft-von-brot-ist-wie-duft-der-heimat/