Britta Blain – Baker at Castlerock Sourdough

Britta Blain – Bäckerin bei Castlerock Sourdough

Britta Blain – Baker at Castlerock Sourdough

Britta Blain - Head Baker at Castlerock Sourdough  Britta Blain is a passionate baker with over 40 years of experience in traditional bread baking. For more than two decades, she has been particularly dedicated to the art of sourdough baking – a technique that requires time, patience and a deep understanding of natural fermentation.

At Castlerock Sourdough, Britta makes bread in the old artisan tradition, without any artificial additives or industrial baking aids. She firmly believes that real bread can only be made from the best ingredients – and for her, this starts with the selection and processing of the grain. To ensure the highest quality and freshness, she grinds her own flour – with her Salzburg grain mill MT 12. For Britta, this mill is far more than just a practical tool; it is an indispensable part of her baking process. The freshly ground flour preserves all the valuable nutrients, provides an incomparable aroma and gives her breads a special wholesomeness.

But Britta is not only a baker, she is also a dedicated teacher. She enthusiastically passes on her knowledge in workshops and courses. Her courses are suitable for both beginners and experienced amateur bakers – from those who want to learn the craft of sourdough baking from scratch to ambitious cottage bakers who want to realize their dream of having their own small home bakery. In her hands-on training courses, Britta not only teaches techniques and recipes, but also a deep understanding of the importance of time, temperature and natural processes in bread baking.

Her aim is to equip her participants not only with knowledge, but also with inspiration and self-confidence. Everyone who attends her courses leaves with new skills, a broader view of baking and the courage to try their hand at making delicious sourdough bread – whether for their own use or as the basis for their own business.

You can find out more about Britta’s bread, her baking courses and the Castlerock Sourdough range at

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