Wonder grain kamut

The miracle grain Kamut, is an ancient variety of durum wheat that was cultivated thousands of years ago in the area around Egypt. After that, the original cereal has been almost completely forgotten over time. Nowadays it is again increasingly used in the kitchen. It is only since 1997 that Austrian farmers have also been growing kamut.

Kamut is also often referred to as a superfood. Why kamut is so healthy and sustainable, we show you in this article:


Just like emmer, kamut is a very robust and undemanding grain and is grown exclusively according to the guidelines of controlled organic farming. This means that no pesticides or artificial fertilizers may be used for cultivation.


The Kamut grain is quite a bit larger than most conventional wheat varieties. Kamut is characterized by its mild and slightly nutty flavor. It is also a relatively hard cereal.


Kamut is more energetic than conventional wheat varieties because the grain contains significantly more minerals, essential amino acids, more unsaturated fatty acids and significantly more protein. Kamut is especially suitable for athletes and for all those who want to eat consciously. Kamut, which is rich in nutrients, sometimes has up to 35% more magnesium and zinc than conventional wheat. It also contains the essential trace element selenium, which provides a strong immune system and strengthens skin and hair. Apparently, it should also protect against cancer.


In cases of pure wheat intolerance, kamut is often very well tolerated, just like spelt. In addition, the kamut bread quickly satiates and brings the body strength for a long time.


The grain is suitable for baking and cooking like conventional wheat or spelt. Also with the Salzburger Flockmeister you can conjure up kamut flakes in no time and thus give the muesli more flavor. When baking with kamut, however, you must make sure that the dough always has enough time to rise. Kamut bread and pastries also stay fresh and fluffy longer.

Our Salzburg grain mills are ideally suited for grinding kamut.

If you want to know more about another ancient grain, emmer, click here.

If you’re looking for a sweet recipe for delicious whole wheat waffles, click here.




