With wholefood nutrition into the new year

The Christmas holidays are over and the new year is here. Probably some of you started January 2022 with a New Year’s resolution or two. More sports, less sweets, more motivation at work, more time for nice things – the resolutions can be very different. We from the team of the
Salzburg Grain Mills
have another suggestion: start the new year with a wholesome diet.

But what do we mean by that? With wholefood nutrition into the new year

Most people probably already know that the topic of nutrition is close to our hearts. That we stand behind whole-food nutrition above all else, too. And today we want to infect you with our motivation, so that you also try it to start the new year with wholefood nutrition.

By whole foods we mean the conscious eating of whole, unprocessed foods. Whole vegetables and fruits, nuts, legumes, whole grains, etc. freshly prepared and as an ingredient in a tasty dish. Therefore, a complete diet does not include: processed foods or foods that contain a lot of additives. Too much industrial sugar, salt or “bad” fats should be avoided as far as possible. And as also the
German Society for Nutrition e.V.
suggests, a wholefood diet should be as plant-based as possible (
75% plant-based diet supplemented with 25% animal foods

For the highly motivated among you, the New Year’s resolution can equally include not consuming alcohol and nicotine as much as possible and exercising regularly.

Why start the new year with whole foods at all?

A needs-based, wholesome diet provides the basis for a healthy and powerful body and mind. The body should be optimally supplied with energy and nutrients.

We think starting the new year with whole foods and a healthy lifestyle sounds very promising. Who does not eat anyway already consciously and full-value, can give the whole with this yearly start nevertheless times a chance? Maybe one or the other finds out after a month that a wholefood diet is just right for him/her, too.

If you have any questions for us, feel free to leave a comment or email us at [email protected] – we’d love to hear from you!

All the best for the new year and see you soon!