Wholesome spinach tortillas

So, what’s for lunch today? How about spinach tortillas? The Mexican flatbread in a slightly different way. And since we’re all about whole foods on our blog, we make the spinach tortillas with whole wheat flour. And freshly ground, at that. We hope you enjoy! *

ingredientsSpinach Tortillas

  • 380 g wholemeal flour (spelt or wheat fresh with your
    Salzburg grain mill
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 200 g spinach (fresh or frozen)
  • 50 ml oil (preferably cold-pressed olive or rapeseed oil)
  • 1 tsp salt (iodized)


If you’re using frozen spinach for this recipe, put it in a pot and heat it up so the spinach thaws. Then put the spinach – whether fresh or now defrosted – together with the oil and salt in a tall container and puree. In another bowl, add the freshly ground whole wheat flour along with the baking powder. Then add the spinach mixture. Knead everything together to a homogeneous mass. If the dough is too dry, simply add a little more water.

Let the tortilla dough rest in a covered bowl for 20 minutes. Then flour a work surface and cut the dough into about 8 equal-sized pieces and roll out into tortilla patties. Heat a skillet and fry out one patty at a time. No oil is used for this purpose. As soon as bubbles appear on the surface of the patties, they can be turned over.

You can now fill the finished spinach tortillas as you like. For example, sauces, vegetables and legumes of any kind fit well here. The combination of cereal products together with legumes is a very good one from a nutritional point of view. If you want to learn more about this, we have HERE an article for you. And of course, the combo is a great one from a culinary standpoint. For example, the spinach tortillas taste really good with a bean and tomato sauce.

And if you still feel like something sweet after the spinach tortillas, then we have a great suggestion: wholemeal poppy seed pasta!
We have the recipe for you HERE >>

*If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to email us at [email protected].