Wholefood nutrition with Barbara Rütting

If you haven’t heard of Barbara Rütting yet, today’s article will tell you more about a woman who has actively campaigned for the protection of people, animals and the environment. Only recently – on March 28, 2020 – she passed away at the vivid age of 92.

Barbara Rütting (born in Germany) was active not only as a film and theater actor, but later as a politician. Particularly noteworthy is their contribution to a wholesome diet as well as their social commitment. As a trained health advisor, she has also written several books on topics such as nutrition and health. Wholefood nutrition with Barbara Rütting

Barbara Rütting stood for an “eco-conscious” and animal-free diet and launched her own wholemeal bread, the “Barbara Rütting Bread”. Her social commitment was expressed, among other things, in the fact that she gave wholefood cooking courses for cooks and doctors in Bulgaria and brought grain mills for radiation-damaged children to a children’s clinic in Moscow.

And now we, the Salzburg Grain Mills, also come into play. Because Barbara Rütting has donated some of our MH 4 hand mills to Africa. Through her donation with our mills, she helped many people bake bread. Many of the people living in developing countries have thus been enabled to take an essential step towards a wholesome diet.

We appreciate Barbara Rütting for her social commitment and for standing up for a healthy and wholesome diet for all and the expansion of regional production, processing and marketing as well as for better animal welfare and environmental protection.

And if you want to know how our hand grain mills look like, you can Have a look HERE >>

Our hand mills offer an electricity-independent alternative and ensure the gentlest possible grinding of the grain. Literally, you’ll have nutrient-rich whole grain flour or granola in no time at all.

“Why is a diet with organic whole foods so important? 75 billion euros are spent annually in Germany on the treatment of diet-related diseases, diseases that could be avoided, cured or at least alleviated by a healthy whole food diet.” [1] ~Barbara Rütting


  1. https://barbara-ruetting.de/lebenslauf/
  2. https://barbara-ruetting.de/dafuer-mache-ich-mich-stark/