Vegan cheesecake

So simple, so delicious – yes, it really is, this vegan cheesecake!

The preparation is simple and the result is delicious. And the whole thing without cruelty. Because by relying on purely plant-based ingredients in this recipe, when buying these foods we do not contribute to animals suffering or even dying. In addition, the cake also has a portion of wholesomeness: homemade wholemeal flour made from organic grain fresh from yours Salzburger Grain Mill

A vegan cheesecake that everyone likes!

Ingredients – soil

Vegan cheesecake

  • 300 g whole wheat flour
  • 90g sugar (or a sugar alternative such as date sugar)
  • 3 teaspoons of baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
  • 125 g margarine / vegetable butter
  • some water

Ingredients – filling

  • 125 g margarine / vegetable butter
  • 100 g sugar (or a sugar alternative such as birch sugar)
  • 2 packs of vanilla pudding powder
  • 1 kg soy yogurt (works very well with natural soy skyr)
  • Juice of half a lemon



First preheat the oven to 180 °C top/bottom heat and grease a round baking dish (spring form pan,
26 cm). Then knead all the ingredients for the base in a bowl. Add a little more or less water depending on the consistency. Press the base dough into the springform pan. Also, so that a 3 cm high edge is created.

For the filling, melt the margarine and stir together with the sugar until creamy. Then add the vanilla pudding powder and stir. The soy yogurt comes in a separate bowl. Then the margarine-sugar-pudding powder mixture is added to the yogurt and mixed with the lemon juice to a homogeneous mass.

Finally, distribute the filling on the cake base and bake for about 60 minutes.

Let the cheesecake cool down completely and ideally chill afterwards.

Such a vegan cheesecake can really be tough – so just enjoy it!

If you’re still wanting a strengthening autumn porridge, then we have it HERE a great recipe for you>>

See you soon and all the best,

the team of the Salzburg grain mills