Useful tips for beginners in baking – part 2

Last week we showed you how easy it can be to get started baking and have already presented some useful tips for baking beginners. If you don’t know the tips yet, you can find them here >>
So that you also succeed in further baking attempts, there is today another part with practical tips for bread baking:

  • Make sure the temperature in the kitchen is evenly warm. It would be good if liquid ingredients such as water or buttermilk are lukewarm.
  • Knead well: Kneading brings air into the dough, making it fluffy. The optimal consistency of a bread dough is when it is firm, yet elastic.
  • Keep in mind that the resting and rising times will vary from the recipe and may vary depending on the dough (yeast vs. sourdough).
    Useful tips for beginners in baking - part 2
  • Steam in the oven can have a beneficial effect on baking whole grain breads or other whole grain pastries. To do this, put a pot with ¼ liter of hot water in the oven during baking. This can be removed after about half of the specified baking time.
  • Knock test: To see if your bread is done baking, you can knock on its underside. If it sounds hollow, it is finished.
  • If you brush the bread with a little hot water immediately after baking and let it cool, it will get a crispy crust. For small bakeries, flatbreads or crispbreads, this is not necessary, you can eat them immediately.
  • You don’t need that much yeast for your yeast dough. If you have enough time to let your dough rise and if your kitchen is warm enough, then the yeast dough can rise especially well and you need less yeast for it.

What you should basically consider as a baking beginner, you have already learned last week from us. Today you have seen that there are also useful tips for baking bread. If you are now motivated to get started right away and bake your own pastries or cakes, then just have a look at
our blog
– there you will find some great recipes!


Skibbe, Petra/ Skibbe, Joachim (2006): Baking according to Ayurveda. Bread rolls & savory. Full &individual. Darmstadt: pala-verlag, p. 39