Useful tips for beginners in baking – part 1

Today we want to show you how easy it can be to get started baking. Not everyone is born a master baker, but what is not, can still be. Because as a nice saying goes, practice makes perfect. And who said that all beginnings should be difficult? We have summarized useful tips for baking beginners for you:

  • Enjoying and being motivated to bake is key: with an optimistic attitude, even the most novice bakers will succeed with new recipes! Useful tips for beginners in baking - part 1
  • Do not have too high expectations: Baking beginners should start with simpler recipes. Bake rolls or crispbread first before moving on to sourdough breads. For breads with sourdough you need a little experience, but ultimately they are also quite simple to bake.
  • Don’t despair if something doesn’t work out: As already mentioned, practice makes perfect. A “failed” baking attempt offers a chance to learn from it and do it differently next time.
  • Develop your own “favorite recipe”: everyone is individual and so are tastes. Homemade bread, rolls or cakes can simply taste different and possibly better than store-bought bakeries. And if you bake your own, then there are no limits to your preferences.
  • Take your time: For the baking to succeed, you should have enough time. It might also help you if – if you are otherwise very busy – you make the dough the night before. Together with the kids or friends, the weekend can also be a good time for baking.
  • Educate yourselves: Find out the benefits of homemade bread and pastries. Get to know what is the difference between white flour and whole wheat flour. The more you learn, the easier it will be to get started as a baker. Maybe one or the other post from our blog can help you with that >>
  • Be careful with the flour and liquid amounts: In any recipe, the amounts given for flour and liquid might not fit exactly. This is due to the fact that the degree of grinding and the fineness of flours can vary. How fine home-milled whole wheat flour is depends on the mill and the grade setting. So when baking bread, you may need to add some additional flour or liquid.

That was now the first part of our useful tips for baking beginners. The second follows and until then we wish you good luck with the baking!


Skibbe, Petra/ Skibbe, Joachim (2006): Baking according to Ayurveda. Bread rolls & savory. Full &individual. Darmstadt: pala-verlag, p. 39