Tips for storing flour

Tips for storing flour

Tips for storing flour

In today’s post, you’ll learn the best way to store your flour and whether there’s a difference between the shelf life of whole wheat and white flour.

Tips for storing flour

The difference between whole grain flour and white flour, we have already explained in many posts on our Blog explained. Briefly summarized: With wholemeal flour, all the important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and secondary plant compounds as well as valuable fats, proteins and dietary fiber. White flour consists only of the endosperm of the cereal grain, which is mainly rich in starch, and thus cuts down on nutrients than whole-grain flour.

The shelf life of flour now depends on its fat content. Flour containing fat, i.e. wholemeal flour or flour with a high proportion of wholemeal, goes bad more quickly. White flour, on the other hand, can keep for a very long time, with the baking ability diminishing over time.

In order to store your flour optimally, we have summarized a few tips for you here:

  • Store your flour in a rather cool place, so not next to the oven or a heater. The flour feels most comfortable at about 16 to 20 degrees Celsius.
  • Store your flour in a place where the humidity is not too high Where steam can form or the air is quite humid – for example, near the sink and stove – you should not store flour.
  • Flour can take on odors very easily. Therefore, avoid storing your flour near intensely smelling foods. Examples of such intense smells would be coffee, roast smell, herbs, garlic, etc.
  • Direct, bright light is also not optimal for the flour. Exposure to direct sunlight can cause vitamins to break down. Therefore, store your flour in a light-proof container, but preferably in a dark place.

In short: Store your flour in a cool, dry, tightly closed and light-proof place!

Now, if you still want to know how to reduce your sugar consumption, we have a HERE a blog post for you.

Have a great day, see you soon!
