Tips for a conscious diet (part 1)

We think that nutrition is one of the essential things in life and that it contributes a significant part to our health. It is therefore very important to eat and drink consciously. For those of you who have perhaps dealt less with the topic of nutrition (and of course for everyone else too), there are tips for conscious nutrition in this and in another article.

The most important thing in developing your own “nutritional awareness” should be having fun. What does not give you pleasure, for which you cannot muster up any motivation, will not be implemented either. So take your time. Perhaps you can first accept and implement one tip and then add more step by step. If you have any questions in this regard, you can also email us at [email protected] send.conscious diet


  • Cook fresh yourself: Knowing what you are eating, being able to choose each dish yourself with the ingredients of your choice, that is what advantages your own fresh cooking brings with it. And if you cook twice as much, then you have already made provisions for the next day and can therefore also gain a lot of time.
  • Simple recipes: If you decide to cook fresh, start with very simple recipes. Your meals don’t have to have an infinite number of ingredients. Often a few are enough to conjure up a delicious dish.
  • Listen to your own body: There are tons of nutrition tips and rules out there, but in reality our bodies know what is good for you at the moment. Feeling hungry, thirsty or full can easily be determined by listening carefully. In addition, thorough chewing is also something that contributes to conscious eating and drinking. If you want to know more on this topic, we have HERE another post for you>>

We hope that with these first tips we have already been able to help you one step towards a conscious diet.

Have a great day, the Salzburg grain mills
