The heart of the Salzburg grain mills is the natural millstone

The heart of the Salzburg grain mills is the natural millstone

The heart of the Salzburg grain mills is the natural millstone

From experience and full conviction, we decided in 2016 under the name Salzburger Getreidemühlen to manufacture exclusively mills with the granite millstones quarried in nature.

The heart of the Salzburg grain mills is the natural millstone

The decisive factor for this decision was the convincing properties:

  • extreme durability
  • the almost absolute resistance to breakage
  • the exclusively natural abrasion – without artificial additives
  • the self sharpening
  • the fineness and baking readiness of the flour
  • no noticeable stone grits in the flour

Only the smallest quantities of the grindings from the grinding stones get into the freshly ground flour.

The following applies to the grinding stones:

The size of the grinding stone is not decisive for the fineness of the flour. The optimal coordination of the millstone diameter and engine speed is of great importance. This, combined with the heat and energy-optimized grinder geometry, ensures that the grain is gently ground.
The special elastic bearing of the grinding stones brings two advantages: Quieter grinding noise and protection against grinding mill damage caused by foreign particles in the grain.

Granite grinder:

Granite is not granite. There are hundreds of types of granite, but only a few have proven themselves as grinding stones. We started looking for “the stone” 35 years ago. For years we searched in Austria, Germany and all over Europe and tested the advantages and disadvantages of the stones to find the most suitable granite for the Salzburg MT series.
Today we know what requirements the stone must have in terms of hardness, wear and tear, self-sharpening and, above all, its grinding behavior. Today we Salzburg mill builders can proudly claim to be the only ones in Europe who have over 35 years of experience with granite milling stones for household mills.

The granite grown in nature, carefully selected by us, is completely natural – free of additives – pure nature!

Granite is characterized by high wear resistance and is harder than some steel. To date, we are not aware of any allergic reactions to the granite millstone.

We are not aware of any breakage or chipping of stone particles (due to grinding of stone particles that may be in the grain) – therefore we are happy to provide a 24-year warranty on our natural stones. A granite milling stone therefore protects your teeth and you will not notice any stone grit in your flour.

We also guarantee within 12 years to regrind the granite millstones free of charge if necessary. With this we prove the optimal self-sharpening.

Our granite stones are carefully and time-consuming coordinated and processed by hand, each pair individually. Each pair of stones is unique!

The built-in granite millstones have an extremely long service life: after often decades of activity, granite millstones can be reworked by us and can then be regarded as completely new.

The heart of the Salzburg grain mills is the natural millstone – and these are our mills>>

And if you still want to see the video of a long-time, loyal customer who brought her Salzburg flour mill in for service for the first time after 40 years, follow this link>>