The coarse-fine setting of our Salzburg grain mills

The coarse-fine setting of our Salzburg grain mills

Our Salzburg grain mills have a coarse-fine setting that is fascinatingly easy to operate with one hand. From FEIN to GROB or from GROB to FEIN can also be easily during be put during the meal.

Do you know that the coarse/fine adjustment of the mill is one of the most important components for a permanently fine grinding result?

Our foolproof, indestructible coarse-fine adjustment has beentried and tested for over 30 years!
Thanks to a perfect technical solution, the millstones lie exactly parallel to each other for the life of the mill.

The coarse-fine setting of our Salzburg grain mills

We do not use a plastic thread that is common today, but change the fineness of grind only by raising and lowering the lower millstone.

Our sophisticated, wear-independent functioning adjustment system was adopted from vehicle clutch construction and is the logical guarantee for fine flour, even after decades!

Often you need really fine flour for cakes or other pastries, but sometimes you need somewhat coarser-grained flour for breads, for example. And our Salzburg grain mills can offer you all this thanks to the coarse-fine setting. It is also possible to grind grain. If you want to make a muesli for breakfast, for example, or simply add the grain meal to yogurt for in-between meals, you can do this with the fresh meal. Grain meal can also serve for the preparation of grain soups.

Our tip for a breakfast porridge with cereal meal:

Let the grain meal (whether oats, spelt or wheat) soak overnight. In the morning, you can then add seeds (for example, flax seeds, chia seeds or sesame seeds) and/or nuts. You can also add fruit to your breakfast porridge. Seasonal and fresh fruit would be best. For a “certain spice” you can also sprinkle cinnamon or coconut flakes. Again, there are no limits to trial and error!

Those of you who already have a Salzburger grain mill are welcome to let us know what experiences you have already had with the coarse-fine setting.

Have a great day!

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