Strong spelt bread

Recipe for a strong spelt bread

Want a recipe for a hearty spelt bread that tastes delicious both sweet and savory? This recipe is very simple, but you should allow enough time for the bread to ferment. Wheat can be used instead of spelt, but the nutty taste of spelt does not stand out.


Spelt bread

  • 500g whole spelt flour, ground with the Salzburger grain mill
  • 250g spelt flour T700
  • 20g salt
  • 20g bread spice
  • 1EL white balsamic vinegar (or vinegar)
  • 1TL baking malt
  • 1TL honey
  • 400g lukewarm water
  • 120g buttermilk


First, use the Salzburg Grain Mill to grind the spelt into fine whole wheat flour. Then mix with the normal extraction flour. Add the salt and bread seasoning to the dry ingredients before continuing with the liquids. Add the vinegar, malt and honey to the bowl while you make sure the water is heated to about 30-40 degrees. At the end, add the water and buttermilk to the dough and knead well with a food processor or by hand for about 6-8 minutes.

You should now let the bread dough rise in a bowl for about 40 minutes, covered and in a warm environment. After that, the dough must be lightly kneaded to prepare it for the proofing basket. If you don’t have a proofing basket, you can bake the bread in a pan right away. Flour the proofing basket (about 25cm in diameter) very well and place the shaped loaf inside. Let the bread rest for another 10 minutes while you preheat the oven to about 220 degrees.

After proofing, turn the bread out onto a baking sheet and immediately bake for the first 10 minutes at 220 degrees with steam. After that, the temperature should be lowered to 200 degrees and bake for another 35-40 minutes.

The strong spelt bread tastes delicious with cheese, as well as with a fruity jam.

HERE you will find spelt croissants for a balanced breakfast.

Why whole wheat flour is so healthy you can read HERE.