Spelt – what Hildegard von Bingen says

Hildegard von Bingen lived in Germany during the High Middle Ages and was a Benedictine nun and mystic. She wrote several writings on medicine and religion, which are still important today, as well as on music and politics, which had a great influence, especially at that time. As for the medicinal and healing works, Hildegard of Bingen mainly gathered her knowledge through experiences, from her and other people. She studied how certain foods affected the body, mind and spirit. The works written by Hildegard von Bingen are still important today for a new understanding of life, nature and the environment. In addition, many medical “results” of Hildegard von Bingen can be scientifically proven today.

Now about the effect of spelt on the body: spelt is good for everyone, in every situation in life and has a good tolerance, even for people who have certain intolerances. Hildegard von Bingen writes that a diet with only spelt does not lead to any deficiency symptoms, because vital basic substances are present in spelt. Spelt affects the whole body and helps good digestion. The well-being is also increased by the consumption of spelt.

Today in supermarkets you can often find crossed forms of spelt, usually with wheat. Back in the days of Hildegard von Bingen, it is said that there were no crossed forms. Thus, the effectiveness of spelt described by Hildegard of Bingen is also somewhat questionable compared to today’s crossed spelt forms.

And this is what Hildegard von Bingen says about spelt:

“Spelt is the best grain, fatty and powerful and easier to digest than all other grains. It provides the one who eats it with a right flesh and prepares him good blood. It makes the soul of man happy and full of cheerfulness. And however prepared it is eaten, whether as bread or as other food, it is good and lovely and sweet.”

If you want to read the general post on spelt, click here.




