Rye – a grain rich in potassium

The rye is a very robust grain . It can be grown in high areas, in Europe mostly even in winter. The rye is said to strengthen, which is partly due to its valuable ingredients.

In addition to energy-giving carbohydrates and digestive fiber, the high protein content should be emphasized. “With a protein content of 11.6 percent, rye is right at the top of the grain list, just behind oats and wheat.[1] Rye has equally very good biological valency, as it has a significant amount of the essential amino acid lysine includes. Rye

Apart from the important macronutrients, rye also contains many important vitamins and minerals. They are remarkable high levels of B vitamins, vitamin E, calcium, fluorine, iron and especially potassium . The grain also provides us with valuable secondary plant substances (phenolic acids, phytoestrogens, protease inhibitors, etc.).

In Europe, rye is mostly eaten in the form of rye (whole grain) bread. For this, the dough made from rye flour must be acidified. Rye sourdough bread tastes juicy and fresh for a long time, the acidification allows the bread to “preserve itself”. “ In addition, the negative effects of phytic acid, which are valuable minerals and vitamins from the body in cereal foods, are neutralized in rye sourdough>> blocks<< . “ [2]

Rye is more suitable for the kitchen to bake , but can also be enjoyed differently. For example, the grain can be sprouted for three days and used as a Sprout grain Serve in small quantities as a topping for salads or other dishes. You can also use it in muesli Whole grain rye flakes taste really good.

All of our Salzburg flour mills are very suitable for grinding fresh wholemeal rye flour. Here you can take a look at the mills>>


Münzing-Ruef, I. (2000): Course book healthy eating. The kitchen as nature’s pharmacy. Munich: Wilhelm Heyne Verlag




Photo: H. Aumayr

[1] Münzing-Ruef, I. (2000): Course book healthy eating. The kitchen as nature’s pharmacy. Munich: Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, p. 359

[2] Münzing-Ruef, I. (2000): Course book healthy eating. The kitchen as nature’s pharmacy. Munich: Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, p. 361