Practical tips for buckwheat

Although the name might suggest it, buckwheat has nothing to do with wheat. Buckwheat is a pseudo-cereal, as it is not a member of the sweet grass family – as are most conventional cereals. In addition, it does not contain gluten.

Buckwheat contains many important macro- and micronutrients as well as health-promoting
secondary plant compounds
. However, we won’t go into all that in detail today, but rather what you can consider when buying, storing and milling this pseudo-cereal.

Here are practical tips for buckwheat

When buying, make sure you buy buckwheat from organic farming and, if possible, from the region. Buying buckwheat flour we do not recommend not only because freshly milled flour is more nutritious and tastes better, but also because purchased buckwheat flour actually goes rancid very quickly.


Whole buckwheat, on the other hand, can be stored very well for a long time. So feel free to buy it in stock. For storage, it should be noted that the pseudocereal

buckwheat - grano saraceno

  • dark,
  • airtight,
  • dry and
  • cool

is to be stored. So maybe you find a container that doesn’t let in light and air and put it in a pantry, for example.


For your buckwheat flour, it is recommended that you always grind it fresh, the amount you need at the time. In this way, the ingredients that are important and largely essential for our bodies are preserved. The taste of freshly ground buckwheat flour is also delicious: slightly nutty. It is suitable for the preparation of savory, but equally sweet dishes.

If you want to know more about which grain can be ground best with which Salzburg grain mill, then click

And if you’re interested in more practical tips, here’s
more info about the pseudo grain quinoa here >>

The team of Salzburger Getreidemühlen hopes that you can take something away from this article – and maybe even implement it?

Stay healthy and see you soon!


Sokol, Andrea. 2020. The all-use cookbook. My plant-based zero-waste kitchen. Munich: ZS Verlag GmbH.

That was: Practical tips for buckwheat