Plastic everywhere – Berti is all over the place

Hello all,

Today Berti is not reporting with a recipe, but with a topic that is of great importance. After all, I am a critical and environmentally friendly Berti.

Plastic everywhere - Berti is all over the placeAnd also quite shocked!
The other day I was on the Internet and clicked through the websites of some environmental organizations. I can hardly believe how much throwaway plastic ends up in our oceans! And not only the oceans, but also cities and forests are littered with plastic.
All volunteers from environmental organizations have collected and also analyzed disposable plastic worldwide. The plastic was found to come mostly from take-away packaging, plastic cups and beverage bottles. During the analysis, it was also possible to find out which manufacturers are responsible for the plastic waste: these are companies such as Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and Nestlé[1].

Something definitely needs to be done about this! Moreover, plastic not only pollutes our earth. In the end, the plastic also gets into our bodies. This happens not only through the food that is packaged in plastic (beverage bottles, dairy products, sweets, etc.). Also by the fish and seafood, which live in the “plastic-dirty” seas and which then very many people eat for lunch or dinner.

And for precisely this reason, and because the contribution to sustainability is important to the Salzburg grain mills, they also have grain mills that manage almost without plastics. At the request of many customers, they build mills in which flour and grain do not come into contact with any plastic.

*It is clear, that such parts as power cables, switches and various parts in the lower housing of the mill (motor compartment) cannot be dispensed with.
But the only important thing is: Where the flour is milled, there grain and flour meet only wood, stainless steel and granite. Seals are made of rubber or felt – completely natural materials.

I think it’s great what the Salzburg grain mills are doing, and at the same time I’m still shocked at what is being done to our Mother Earth with all the throwaway and packaging plastic.

See you soon,

your upset Berti

>> Here you can have a look at the plastic-free* mills
