Oatmeal cookies for the very young – a sugar-free alternative for toddlers

Oatmeal cookies for the very young – a sugar-free alternative for toddlers

The first Christmas markets are already underway – here in Salzburger Land, most markets have been open since yesterday. The Advent season is approaching and certainly some of you have already baked the first cookies. And that’s exactly the crux of the matter: everywhere you go, you’ll find Christmas cookies – often very sugary – or other sweets, such as chocolate icolas. And the sweet treats are, of course, very attractive for both small and large children. And it’s obvious that the little ones want to snack. But what alternatives do parents have to avoid feeding their children calorie bombs?
Oat cookies with bananas are a great idea for sweets without added sugar. The recipe is also very simple and so parents can let their children snack without hesitation.
These cookies are also suitable for toddlers from one and a half years.

What you need:

  • 150 g oat flakes (freshly flaked with the
    Salzburg flake master
    the flakes are wholesome and rich in vital substances)Oatmeal cookies for the very young - a sugar-free alternative for toddlers
  • 2 bananas
  • 30 g wholemeal flour (e.g. spelt)
  • Cinnamon (optional)

Here’s how easy oatmeal cookies go for the very young – a sugar-free alternative for toddlers:

Peel and mash the bananas first. In a bowl, mix the bananas with the rolled oats and whole wheat flour. Then sprinkle the work surface with flour and flatten the dough. Meanwhile, the oven can already be preheated to 180°C (convection oven).

Now you can cut out the cookies with molds as you like or simply form small, round cookies. Then bake the cookies until golden brown (about 7 minutes).

By the way, the oatmeal cookies do not rise, so do not worry! You can also place them close to each other on the baking tray.

And for those who enjoy in moderation and want a more varied flavor composition, we have
another oatmeal cookies recipe
from last year. Berti was very busy at Christmas time. He has not only
Oat cookies
but also Oat biscuits tried out for you.

Have a great weekend!