Lentil flour

The specifics of red lentil flour

Lentil flour is increasingly common in domestic supermarkets. More and more health-conscious people are turning to the healthy and tasty flour. Lentil flour is not only visually eye-catching due to its special color, it is also particularly nutritious and easy to process.


Lentil flour is particularly popular because of its high vegetable protein content. That is why lentils are often found on the plate of athletes, vegetarians and vegans. In addition, the flour has a very high fiber content and many good carbohydrates that make insulin and blood sugar levels rise slowly. This means that fat burning is boosted. The carbohydrates and protein content provide a long-lasting feeling of satiety. In addition, the flour of lentils contains few fats.

Also numerous minerals and vitamins are found in lentil flour – Especially magnesium, iron, zinc and vitamin B. Vitamin B has a good effect on our nervous system and brain. Lentil flour also supports digestion and bring energy, so a very healthy and nutritious food.


Lentil flour binds well and is easy to work with. The nutty flavor of red lentils is not as tart and thus somewhat sweet unlike lentils in other colors.


The flour of lentils should be stored in a dry place, protected from light and cool. However, it is best to grind the nutrient-rich flour yourself and fresh. Bread, pastries, pasta like noodles, spreads and dips taste great. Lentil flour can also find its place as breading, in muesli or smoothies.

The dried red lentils are best to be ground with a Salzburg grain mill. For fine lentil flour, the MT5, MT12 and MT18 are perfect for this purpose. With the MH 4, lentil flour can be made fine for bread. With homemade lentil flour, you can be sure that there are no additional dyes or preservatives.

In summary, we can definitely recommend lentil flour to you because of the many positive properties it brings. Feel free to try it out.

HERE you will find a recipe for delicious spelt breakfast croissants.

If you want to know more about whole wheat flour, click HERE.