Kaiserschmarrn from fresh wholemeal flour

Hello everyone and have a wonderful day (:

It’s me again Berti and this time I got a delicious Kaiserschmarrn recipe from my mice grandma. Because she makes it with whole wheat flour!

The preparation is simple and I have written you here the quantities also to it:

For the Kaiserschmarrn dough, mix six egg yolks with 500 ml milk, 250g whole wheat flour (my mice grandma always grinds her flour very fresh with a Salzburger grain mill ), a pinch of salt and 50g sugar. I like the Kaiserschmarrn best with raisins (about 50g).
Before you make the dough, it’s best to whip the six egg whites into a beaten egg white.
When you have finished mixing the batter and folding in the beaten egg whites, heat a frying pan and add 30g of butter. Then add the dough, which is now baked.
After about 5 minutes, turn and then tear into irregular, small pieces with two forks.
Leave the Kaiserschmarrn in the pan for another 3 minutes, turning it over and over again.

My mice grandma usually serves me the Kaiserschmarrn from wholemeal flour with plum roast – mmmh!
And I also like it so much with apple or pear puree.

If you bake this Kaiserschmarrn, then I have another good tip for you:
To make the raisins soft and juicy, you can soak them in water an hour before. And who wants can also add a drop of rum.
Have a nice day and see you soon,
Your hungry Berti