Green spelt

You’ve probably heard of green spelt, but do you know that green spelt is actually spelt harvested early and still unripe? In fact, the “discovery” of green spelt dates back to a time when, because of bad weather and fear of famine, spelt was harvested before it was ripe. At that time, this grain was then dried over the fire, which is why the nutty flavor could develop and was discovered. Today, the procedure is no different and the green spelt is processed in drying plants after harvesting. It is also freed from the husk (the outermost marginal layer surrounding the grain). The drying process subsequently also makes the green kernel grindable.

The use of green spelt is versatile: it can be used to prepare delicious dishes. Whether soups or green spelt loaf – the green spelt is often found in vegetarian or vegan cuisine. Green spelt is also sometimes used as cattle feed. As far as the processing to green spelt flour is concerned, opinions differ: some are of the opinion that green spelt flour is quite suitable for baking cakes, breads or for making pasta and is also richer in nutrients than wheat flour. The others find green spelt flour unsuitable for baking bread and prefer to count on spelt flour or flour from other cereals.

If you’re still interested in more grains and want to know more about them, feel free to read these posts here:
