Fortifying autumn porridge

Autumn is here and the days are getting shorter and colder. Especially at this time of year it is important to have a balanced diet and strengthen your immune system. There is such a thing complete porridge for cold autumn days just right. If there are already so many essential nutrients in your breakfast, then you can only start the day with full energy.

You need these ingredients:

Fortifying autumn porridge

  • 100 g oat flakes (freshly flaked with the Salzburg flake master )
  • 400 ml water (or unsweetened plant-based drink)
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
  • a pinch of clove powder
  • a pinch of ginger powder
  • 1 tbsp date sugar
  • 1 pear, 1 apple, plums as desired
  • Pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds
  • Raisins or other dried berries
  • whole nuts

How to prepare your strengthening autumn porridge:

After you have flaked your oatmeal, put it in a pot along with the water (or the plant-based drink) and heat it up. As soon as the oatmeal has soaked up the liquid and the whole thing has turned into a pulpy mass, the heat switches off. Then add the cinnamon powder, clove powder, ginger powder, and date sugar. Mix the porridge and make sure it doesn’t burn. Of course, more water can be added at any time, should the mass start to stick to the pot or just become too “firm”.

Take the porridge off the stove and divide it into bowls. Now you can top whatever you like: in autumn, for example, pears, apples and plums are suitable as a fresh fruit topping. Whole nuts and kernels and seeds not only make it easy for the eyes to eat, they also contain many important (micro) nutrients. And raisins once again bring a wonderfully sweet taste with them. Prepare your topping according to your mood – there are no limits to your creativity!

We wish you a good start to the day!

See you very soon, the Salzburg grain mills

PS If you want to try a really nutritious and delicious whole grain carrot bread, follow this link to the recipe >>

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That was: Fortifying autumn porridge