Electricity-independent alternatives – the Salzburg hand-operated grain mills

Electricity-independent alternatives – the Salzburg hand-operated grain mills

In addition to our Salzburg grain mills, which operate with motors from an Austrian manufacturer, we also have mills that can be operated with your own physical strength. Our two Salzburger hand grain mills MH 4 and
MH 8
are the two models with which fresh flour and fresh meal can be milled by hand by yourself.

Advantages of a hand mill:Electricity-independent alternatives - the Salzburg hand-operated grain mills

  • an electricity-independent alternative
  • most gentle grinding of the grain
  • Provision for times of crisis

In many regions and countries of the world, which have to manage without electric power supply, our hand grain mills with granite millstone have been doing good, reliable work for decades. And not only there. Solidly built, easy to attach and quick and easy to use, the MH 4 and the MH 8 are a real alternative when no electrical connection is possible. On alpine pastures, boats, second homes and camping, you have so always available wholesome flour and muesli.

The hand grain mill MH 4, which was created first, has proven itself for over 35 years. The body of the grain mill is made of hard, solid beech wood. The 12 cm granite grinding stone quarried in nature is proven durable and self-sharpening. Granite is natural-pure and comes without any binder.

With the MH 8 hand mill, Salzburger Getreidemühlen has succeeded in developing a hand mill with which larger families, communities, clubs, etc. can also be supplied. So it is suitable for a larger demand. The millstone of the MH 8 has a diameter of 22 cm.

Especially for raw foodists, grinding the grain without heating is of great importance. You yourself determine the speed of the millstone with your strength and thus ensure the gentlest possible grinding of the grain.

According to our experience over time, both men and women are well able to grind with the hand mill. However, it must still be said that this also requires a certain amount of force.

Electricity-independent alternatives – you are welcome to have a look at the Salzburg hand grain mills here >>

We also have a video for you in which the MH 8 mill is presented and shown “in action”: Click here for the video >>