Do secondary plant compounds in whole grain products have positive effects on the body?

Do secondary plant compounds in whole grain products have positive effects on the body?

Have you ever heard of secondary plant compounds? Maybe not because they are not essential. Nevertheless, they have authoritative effects on the body. They are important for many metabolic processes. Secondary plant compounds can reduce the risk of disease. Some of these substances have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, other cholesterol-lowering or anticarcinogenic effects. Science says it is “generally possible to evaluate the preventive effect of phytochemicals, but recommendations for the intake of individual phytochemicals can still not be given. It is possible that the intake of different phytochemicals in the compound of a food is necessary for the effect.” [1]

Therefore, secondary plant compounds should not be taken in isolation in the form of food supplements. Secondary plant compounds may also be enriched in so-called “functional foods”, but this could in turn lead to an overdose.

Secondary plant compounds are found in fruits and vegetables, legumes and nuts, but also in whole grain products and potatoes. They can not only have a preventive effect, but also give the plants their colors or aroma. Flavonoids and carotenoids, for example, give fruits and vegetables their bright colors and may have antioxidant, antithrombotic, antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antibiotic effects. Glucosinulates, on the other hand, give radishes, cress or mustard their pungent flavor and

could have an antioxidant and immunoregulatory effect. Another example would be the phytosterols in nuts, seeds and whole grains, which are said to lower blood cholesterol concentrations.

Do secondary plant compounds in whole grain products have positive effects on the body?

To ensure that we consume many different secondary plant compounds, the German Nutrition Society recommends eating varied and colorful fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, potatoes and various whole grain products.

In addition to phytochemicals, whole grains also contain dietary fiber. They also keep you full longer.

Do secondary plant compounds in whole grain products have positive effects on the body? As we can see, the secondary plant compounds contained in whole grain products can have a positive effect. In general, however, as already mentioned, it is important to eat a varied diet.

If you still want to learn why whole grain cereal products are recommended by ÖGE and DGE, follow this link >>

