Berti’s vanilla crescents from wholemeal flour

So fast I have not been able to look at all, a year has passed, because soon it’s Christmas again! I particularly like the Advent season: when the snow is lying outside, as it already does here in the Salzburg region, and it gets dark outside earlier, I make myself quite comfortable in my mouse cave. And usually I use this time – as you can probably already imagine – to bake Christmas cookies. And the other day I made delicious vanilla crescents. Here is the recipe for you:

I made over a kilo of vanilla crescents, just so you can use the quantities as a guide.


  • 400g wholemeal flour (I recommend to use spelt flour and to grind the spelt best with a Salzburger grain mill)
  • 300g grated or ground nuts (I leave it up to you whether you use walnuts, hazelnuts or almonds)
  • 300g butter
  • 250g sugar (cane sugar or honey are also suitable alternatives)
  • 3 egg yolks
  • a pinch of salt
  • and for the vanilla taste 3 grated vanilla beans or 1-2 packets of vanilla sugar


Knead all ingredients together into a dough and chill the finished dough for two hours. Then form the dough into rolls, which should have a diameter of about 1.5 cm. Cut small pieces from the dough or separate them with a dough card and form croissants. Place the vanilla crescents on a baking tray and bake at 180° in a preheated oven for about 15 minutes. However, watch the crescents by peeking into the oven window and get them out in time, because they shouldn’t get too dark.

You can sprinkle the fresh vanilla crescents with powdered sugar directly after baking. Then let cool and enjoy.

So I think the vanilla crescents just taste amazing and they really get me in the Christmas spirit with a cup of tea.

A wonderful, pre-Christmas time wishes you your Berti!

PS. The Christmas offer of Salzburg flour mills this Christmas is the mill Carina. Take a look at it!