Berti’s Buchtel recipe in October

Berti’s Buchtel recipe in October

As you have probably already noticed, I am a huge fan of whole grain recipes! Mmh, there I also know that quite a lot of nutrients come into my little mouse body, which would not be found in the white flour to such a large extent. And since your Berti is always so fond of snacking, my mice grandma made me booklets from wholemeal flour with vanilla sauce. And so that you can also try and enjoy these so delicious Buchteln, I have here the recipe for you:

For the Buchtelteig you mix 500g wholemeal flour (it’s up to you which one you want to use – but I highly recommend you to use your own ground flour), a packet of fresh yeast, 75g sugar and a packet of vanilla sugar, 100g butter, 200ml milk, an egg, a pinch of salt, some squeezed lemon and a little cinnamon. Let the kneaded Buchtel dough rise for an hour. You can grease a mold suitable for the oven even before you form the booklets and preheat the oven itself. Then make small balls from the dough, which you can fill with jam. I like it best when the Buchteln are filled with apricot jam. The wholemeal cakes are then baked in the oven at 200°C for 25 min. You can then serve the Buchteln hot – who wants with vanilla sauce – and enjoy. That’s how my mice grandma always does it too.

Have fun with the re-baking and have a nice day in October,
Your Berti

PS. If you still have a desire for more whole grain recipes, then Berti has for you here once a sweet recipe for raisin rolls from whole wheat flour.

And if you also want to try the
Wholemeal roll from Berti
you can find them here with just one click. The Weckerl are especially good when they are fresh. Both sweetly coated, as well as spicy topped the whole grain rolls from Berti just taste sooo good.