Backen mit Vollkornmehl

Here on the Blog of the Salzburg grain mills With very few exceptions, almost all recipes contain whole wheat flour. Fresh flour from the grain mill brings with it tons of valuable nutrients such as minerals and vitamins. It also tastes incredibly good.

But baking with whole wheat flour has to be learned. If you look into the Whole food then it may take a few tries in the beginning before your favorite recipes work perfectly. So that you don’t spend hours trying it out, we’ll take some of the work off your hands. We have today Tips for baking with whole wheat flour put together for you.

Backen mit Vollkornmehl

Backen mit Vollkornmehl

  • The bran * contained in whole wheat flour absorbs more liquid than white flour does. This is why whole wheat flour takes a little longer to swell. For baking it is also used more fluid needed. About 2 tablespoons more liquid is added for every 100 g of flour. However, so that the dough does not become too soft, the liquid should be added gradually.
  • Whole grain dough will be looser, though all ingredients at room temperature
  • Since wholemeal bread or other wholemeal pastries tend to be firmer, you may need it more raising agents (more yeast, more baking powder, more baking soda, etc.)
  • More time dough with yeast is needed to “let it rise”, ie to rest.
  • Whole grain bread with a sourdough content can be a greater tolerance entail. Whole-grain sourdough breads also remain fresher longer .

These were the tips from us for baking with whole wheat flour. If you have any more ideas or experiences in this regard, please feel free to leave us a comment. Also via email (to [email protected] ) we are very happy.

Finally, one last tip: When switching to whole grain cereals and products, it is important to always drink enough – preferably water!

We wish you a wonderful day and good luck with your baking!

See you soon and stay healthy

the Team of the Salzburg grain mills

* What is the bran acts, you will learn HERE>>
