Aromatic tea seeds squeeze with the Salzburg flake master

Imagine: One of our customers is not only very
our Salzburg flake master
enthusiastic, he also pointed out to us that the flaker can also be used to squeeze tea seeds. We know that spices are great to crush, but to make tea out of them, now that’s a great idea! Especially now, when it gets dark early in the evening and some people like to make themselves comfortable at home with a cup of tea. Aromatic tea seeds squeeze with the Salzburg flake master

Our customer reports that he used to crush the tea seeds with a mortar. This involved effort: For two cups of anise-cumin-fennel tea, he used 1 level tablespoon of whole anise seeds, ½ tablespoon of caraway seeds, and 2 heaping tablespoons of fennel seeds. But since the texture of the seeds is different, all the seeds had to be pounded one by one with a mortar. Since our customer owns a Salzburger Flake Master, he can simply put all the ingredients into the hopper and roll them through.

In contrast to the tea seeds crushed in a mortar, the seeds crushed with a flaker are more intense in aroma and flavor. Possibly the reason is that the oils can be better squeezed from the seeds.

When prepared with the above amount of anise, caraway and fennel seeds, our customer reported the following:

“The result is perfect: with the same amount, the flavor and aroma are stronger and it tastes even better. I can also use fewer seeds to get the same flavor as before. This then even saves money.”

That sounds very promising, doesn’t it? So the aroma is more intense and on top of that you can save money – how excellent!

Many thanks at this point, of course, to our customer, who not only gave us this great idea, but also sent along pictures.Aromatic tea seeds squeeze with the Salzburg flake master

If you want to learn more about the mineral-rich ancient Einkorn, you can read our last blog post here >>

And here you can also take a look at our Salzburg flake master >>

Have a great day and a cozy tea time!