Bread mold homemade oblong – 1,5 kg

Bread mold Homemade1.00 kg Peddigrohr with wooden base 30 x 14 x 7 cm 


Includes 20% MwSt.

Give us this day our daily bread …

Salzburger-Getreidemuehlen-Brotkorb-Gaerkorb-1How nice it is when you can add a personal motif to something as valuable as bread baked with love, choose from the various motifs and show that it really is homemade! The high-quality bread tins are not made in China, as is often the case, but in Germany. They have a sturdy wooden base with various grooves. Whenever you bring home-baked bread to the table, the motif will create a surprise and make your work even more valuable. isn’t giving a bread tin like this a nice, very special gift idea?