Buckwheat bread – gluten-free baking with natural sourdough

Buckwheat bread – gluten-free baking with natural sourdough

If you want to bake gluten-free bread with buckwheat, you can also use the sourdough version.
To prevent the buckwheat from crumbling or becoming dry, you need a cooking or swelling piece. We prefer to use psyllium husks for this. Remember to feed your sourdough starter several hours or half a day before preparing the dough so that it is strong and you get a fluffy bread(without the addition of yeast).


350 g buckwheat, freshly ground
450 g water
20 g (= l tbsp) honey
10 g (= 1 tbsp) psyllium husks
50 g (= 2 tbsp) buckwheat sourdough starter, alternatively rye sourdough starter
20 g (= l tbsp) salt

Alternatively, stir and knead the dough again or fold the dough with the
rye sourdough starter dough card.
This brings air into the dough and later an even nicer
20 g (= 1 tbsp) salt

a sip of whey
5 g fresh yeast
or l tsp dry yeast
(only necessary if the
sourdough starter is very young)


  1. Mix the water, honey, salt, psyllium husks and sourdough starter well in a bowl with a whisk and leave to soak for 5 minutes.
  2. Gradually add the flour to the liquid mixture, mix with a spoon and knead into a dough for approx. 5 minutes.
    Mix well with a whisk and leave to soak for 5 minutes.
  3. Cover the dough with a lid or plate and leave to rest at room temperature for a total of 24 hours to prevent it from drying out.
  4. For a better baking result, but optional: After approx. 2-4 hours, you can stir the dough again and knead it or fold it with a dough card. This brings air into the dough and later an even better baking result.
  5. After resting for approx. 16 hours, the dough is kneaded again and shaped into a ball with a little flour. Now place in a flour-dusted proofing basket (or bowl) and cover with a tea towel.
  6. Hours later, when the dough has rested for a total of 24 hours, the bread can be baked. Set the oven to 230 °C top and bottom heat or 220 °C (if you are baking without a lid).
  7. Carefully turn the dough out of the proofing basket into the tin and place in the hot oven. If you don’t have a mold, you can also try it freestanding.
  8. The baking time depends on the container and is approx. 60 minutes. If you are baking with a lid, you can remove the lid in the last 10-15 minutes or take the bread out and continue baking on a rack,
    to get a better crust. You can also leave your bread in the switched-off oven for another 10-15 minutes to ensure that it is cooked through at the end.
  9. Leave the bread to cool on a rack.

Buckwheat and rice bread

You can also replace half of the buckwheat with freshly ground rice flour (whole grain).