Quality on part payment

We are happy to help you realize your desire for quality…

Please contact us by e-mail at [email protected]

Quality on part payment

If you think about tomorrow today and plan ahead, you may not have enough money for the grinder you want at the moment.

Nevertheless, we will be happy to help you fulfill your mill wish – without additional costs, without interest and without complicated credit agreements.

Don’t buy a cheaper grinder if you want high quality and durability.

If you buy cheap, you often pay more.

A grain mill from our company is an investment in your healthy diet for decades to come. So when choosing a grinder, consider the right size, especially if your family is likely to grow in the future.

If you are not sure whether you also want to grind hard and large grains for gluten-free flour, opt for a more powerful grinder with a larger grinding stone and a powerful motor.

“Better to buy something better, bigger and with sufficient capacity than to save money and regret it later”

This should also be your guiding principle when choosing your grinder.

Think carefully about your payment options and contact us by e-mail or telephone. Together we can determine a suitable payment plan for you – without intermediaries and without a bank.