Die kleinen Frechdachse der Kornkammern

The little cheeky badgers of the granaries – or the secret of the mill ghosts and grain goblins

The little cheeky badgers of the granaries – or the secret of the mill ghosts and grain goblins

In a time when grinding grain still required real muscle power and the creaking of the mill wheel was the rhythmic heart of the villages, stories were told of invisible beings that lived in the mills. We are talking about mill ghosts and grain goblins. But who are these mysterious figures? Are they helpful helpers or rather sneaky troublemakers? And what do they have to do with your freshly ground grain mill? Join me on a short but sweet journey into the world of these fascinating creatures and find out how they might even be guarding the secret of perfectly ground flour.

Who are the mill spirits?

The legends about mill spirits are as old as the mills themselves. These spirits, usually invisible and only visible in the moonlight, are said to monitor what happens in the mill. They ensure that the grinding mechanism runs smoothly and that the grain is ground evenly. But woe betide anyone who behaves disrespectfully! A bad-tempered mill spirit can bring the mill to a standstill in no time, clog the grinder or cause the grain to suddenly disappear. Legend has it that in such cases, the mill should be left to its own devices for a night – and lo and behold, the next morning everything runs like clockwork! Some millers swear by placing a drop of milk or a loaf of bread in front of the mill every now and then. Not because the ghost eats it – that would be absurd! -but to show it respect and secure its services. A gesture of recognition, if you like.

Grain goblins: The little cheeky badgers of the granaries

The grain goblins are quite different. These little guys (sometimes described as having pointy hats and bushy beards) are said to live in the granaries and look after the grain. Watch over? Well, more like a child “looks after” its sweets. They love to play in the grain and leave little traces behind. Suddenly the pile of grain is smaller than the day before, and many a baker swears that the freshly filled sacks of flour have shrunk overnight. The goblins are said to feed on the energy of the grain and therefore keep it in constant motion. There are stories in which they even help to sort the grain and protect it from pests. The catch? They demand a “price” for this: Sometimes a little flour is simply spilled or a few grains are crunched. A small loss for the help – or an annoying nuisance, depending on how you look at it.

Modern mills and the legacy of legends

Even though modern grain mills do the grinding today and the days of hand-operated mills are over, the legends about the mill ghosts and grain goblins are still fascinating. The question of whether the ghosts and goblins might have a positive influence on the quality of the flour remains unanswered, of course. Could it be that there is a pinch of magic in every meal prepared with freshly milled flour? We don’t know for sure. But one thing is certain: if you look after your mill and handle the grain with care, you have the best conditions for the finest flour. Perhaps that is the real magic behind the stories: the love of the craft and the care with which each individual mill is run. And who knows? Maybe it really does help to put a little milk in the mill from time to time and believe in the good old mill spirits.

A little ritual for the mill spirits

Do you want to make sure that your freshly ground flour is always of the best quality? Then try this old miller’s ritual: place a glass of water and a small bowl of grain on the windowsill of your kitchen. Say good night with a friendly “Good night, mill spirit!” and leave it there until the morning. If the water is clear and the cereal grains are intact, you have won the favor of the mill spirit. And if not? Then perhaps a cheeky grain goblin was at work…

Final thoughts

Whether you believe in mill spirits and grain goblins or not, the stories make the milling of grain all the more fascinating and add a touch of magic to every fresh loaf of bread. In a world that is often rational and unemotional, these little legends can help to make everyday life a little more exciting. And who knows? Maybe one day you really will discover a tiny trace of grain goblins in your mill. Keywords: mill ghosts, grain goblins, grain mill, legends, grinder, freshly ground flour, magical stories, grain grinding, house ghosts, traditions Hashtags: #mill ghosts, #grain goblins, #grain mill, #legends, #flour grinding, #magical stories, #house ghosts, #traditions