Allergies have many faces – make your own vegan drinks!

Allergies have many faces – make your own vegan drinks!

It is known that more and more people can not tolerate various cereals or bread.

But often it is enough to go to the nearest “good baker” and not to buy bread from the bread baking stations of supermarkets.

You may already know that many backlings come from Poland or even China.Allergies have many faces - make your own vegan drinks!

It is a fact that this bread cannot be compared with good, honest baker’s bread. And if you already use a Salzburg flour mill and bake your own bread, then you know what a pleasure bread can be.

But not only cereals can trigger allergies. Many people have to do without cow’s milk or deliberately want to do without animal milk.

Vegan drinks (by law, the name milk can only be used for animal milk) are then bought at a high price. The packaging is mostly tetrapack, and yet we all want to avoid plastic packaging.

Who knows how to prepare soy drinks, almond drinks, oat drinks, etc.? What is added to the drink to make it tasty and creamy and what ingredients are not listed in the ingredients?

Which water was used? How cleanly were the ingredients cleaned?

Isn’t it a good idea to prepare your own vegan drinks – and quite simple, too?

Not only do you know what is in the drink, but also – and this is even more important – what is not included.

Plus, vegan drinks are really expensive and can be homemade at a fraction of the cost.

You don’t have to fiddle with a saucepan and blender to do it, there’s an easy-to-use device that can make a wide variety of vegan drinks in 20 minutes.

Almost 20 years ago we, the manufacturers of the
Salzburg grain mills
, got to know the first device for making vegan drinks at a trade fair in Germany.

No one was interested – but we saw the advantage of the device, which was presented to us as a device for making “soy milk”. We were thus pioneers in helping many families save money, avoid plastic packaging, and of course, have homemade, great tasting drinks on hand for the family.

Soy is one of the 5 sacred grains, so the device fits well with our mills and our attitude to whole foods.

But it was a long way from the first devices to today’s VEGAN STAR active.

Today we can present it to you on our website ( ) – take a look!

If you want to know even more about intolerances – especially about celiac disease – just follow this link >>

Allergies have many faces – make your own vegan drinks!