This is how the Salzburg flour mills came into being

This is how the Salzburg flour mills came into being

Today we tell you the story of the Salzburg flour mills and of Johann Thurner:

Nowadays, the agony of choice to find exactly the right grain mill is incomparably more difficult than 35 years ago. In the 1970s, you could count the available models and, above all, the pioneers who built flour mills for the household, on one hand – Johann Thurner was there!
He was born in 1951 and died totally unexpectedly in 2008. The Salzburger Grain Mills were his life’s work.

A part of life-quality
He owed his love for good food to his mother, an excellent cook, and to his father, a technical inventor and machine builder, the curiosity to learn how something is really done well!

Perfectionism or health consciousness ?
Probably both! Or how can one explain the fact, that a young mechanical engineer with a diploma in craftsmanship – engaged by a well-known international company in a leading position as expert for special purpose machines and apparatus having the best possible career prospects, decided to leave everything behind him in order to construct first-class grain mills?

Own ideas lead to success
Back then, in the 70s, there was not much you could copy or replicate if you wanted to develop a household mill – it meant having your own ideas, trying them out – coming up with them yourself and making them better! The fact that he fully succeeded in this is proven above all by the “Salzburg Grain Mill” – the first mill model developed by him, which even today – decades later – is still referred to as the Mercedes among grain mills.

The natural granite mill-stone – the crown jewel of the Salzburger Grain Mills
The combination of old milling traditions with the latest technical innovations was his ultimate aim. 5 years of elaborate research were necessary until a naturally grown millstone ( very special type of granite ) could satisfy him with the finest grinding results. He owed his success to his technical studies together with his common-sense and his many inventions in mill construction.

Good things should look good too
For Johann Thurner it was not only development and technology that were important, he also paid great attention to design. An ascetic, not only devoted to nature, but also as a modern person who enjoyed life to the full (enthusiastic yachtsman, mountaineer, lover of music, etc.) he considered a pleasing optical impression to be of utmost importance.
A mill should give pleasure and at the same time be an attraction in the kitchen. A mill should be placed so that it is available at any time to grind even just a handful of flour!

In accordance with modern trends – but not at the cost of quality
The requirements of the present time were met to a great extent by his mill models “Maxi” and “Carina”. Combining minimum space requirement with the latest technology it is an answer to our demand for the best possible price. The born technician could not and did not want to do without quality, which has its price.
His motto was: no compromise at the expense of quality!

Satisfied customers for over 30 years
The fact that stores, families, farms grind with Salzburg mills acquired over 30 years ago was proof for him during his lifetime that he had made the right decision, and it still is for us today.

With conviction – with heart and mind….
As a young man he had a dream: “I will be a millwright and my mills will grind long, fine and gently!”
His dream has come true – Johann lives on with his mills!

Since his sudden death his sister Christine has taken over management of the production of the Salzburger Grain Mills to ensure that the traditions created by her brother are carried on!

Here you can see the Salzburg grain mills in their full glory >>

That was: This is how the Salzburg flour mills came into being