Muesli smoothie for breakfast

So that you can start the day strengthened, we have a super delicious and super simple smoothie recipe for you today – namely the muesli smoothie!

Ingredients for the muesli smoothieMuesli smoothie

  • 50 g oat flakes (fresh with the
    Salzburg flake master
    flaked oat flakes taste especially good)
  • 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
  • 1 apple
  • 1 banana
  • 15 g raisins
  • 280 ml milk or vegetable drink
  • optional: 1 tbsp honey / date syrup / maple syrup /…
  • optional: ½ tsp cinnamon powder


First core the apple, peel the banana and cut both into larger pieces. Then put all the ingredients together in a stand mixer and blend until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Depending on how (thick) liquid you want to enjoy your granola smoothie, you can add more or less milk/vegetable drink. Of course, the same applies to the sweetness of the smoothie.

The team of Salzburger Getreidemühlen wishes you an energetic day!

P.S. For the nutritionally conscious among you, here’s another great recipe for a
wholesome dish >>