Our flaker with gear drive

Today we want to present you our
Salzburg flake master with gear drive
present. Thanks to the gears, it is now even more functional and easier to operate. And that’s what we want to explain to you in more detail in today’s post.

Our flaker with gear drive

Our flaker with gear drive

The gear drive prevents the rollers from spinning. Indeed, one roller is driven directly by the crank and the second by the gears. The resulting increased functionality of the flaker makes it possible to press even larger seeds – such as sunflower seeds.

When pressing very oily grains (linseed, poppy seed, etc.), sticking may occur and thus the rollers may spin. The gears of our gear-driven flaker do not stick when oily seeds and seeds are pressed.

Our Salzburg flake master brings some more advantages – for example, high-quality materials. The rollers are made of nickel-free stainless steel and the housing and the funnel and the container are made of domestic beech wood. Outside our flaker is protected with beeswax oil.

The Flockenmeister can be operated – literally – in the twinkling of an eye and very easily. Without a motor, it is therefore also ideal in times of crisis and can also be used in places without electricity.

It is important to mention that our gear-driven flaker is completely plastic-free. It is the result of the most accurate and highest quality turning work of our domestic master craftsman. That is, each flake master is handmade with love and is unique.

We are proud of the exceptionality and functionality of our Salzburg flaker. If you want you can have a look at it here >>

P.S. Do you already know our
Salzburg Grain Mill MT12
? It is one of our most solid, efficient and beautiful mills. HERE it is >>

That was: Our flaker with gear drive