Vitamin B1 contained in whole grain flour promotes metabolism

In the whole grain there are important vitamins for nerves and heart.

However, if the peel and germ are removed before grinding, many vitamins and minerals are lost. The so-called extraction flour, often wheat flour, is just processed into flour without the husk and germ, in contrast to whole wheat flour, where the whole grain is milled.

And now imagine this:

the vitamin B1, which is contained in the whole grain, is lost in the extract flour by more than 80%!

Vitamin B1 is good for the central and peripheral nervous system and is also involved in metabolism. Vitamin B6, which is good for the heart and brain, and other B vitamins are also dropped. Many minerals are also no longer contained in wholemeal flour: almost 86% of iron, 76% of potassium, 75% of copper and 52% of magnesium are no longer found in wholemeal flour compared to wholemeal flour.

If these vital nutrients are missing, deficiency symptoms can occur. In addition, if you do not eat meat, which also contains a lot of B vitamins, it would be good to make sure that you eat enough whole grain products.

If you want to grind your own whole wheat flour, you can do it with our Salzburg grain mills, where we put great emphasis on natural materials. And the many vitamins and minerals are retained in the flour.


Münzing-Ruef, I. (1999): Kursbuch gesunde Ernährung. The kitchen as a pharmacy of nature. Munich: Zabert Sandmann GmbH, p. 212