Why the housing of our mills is made of solid wood and not plastic

The casings of our mills are turned through and through solid beech by a small master workshop. The beautiful grain of the high-quality wood is emphasized by processing it with beeswax.

A real joy for nature lovers!
Since tastes are different, we offer, in addition to the usual square grain mills also
round models
. Our experience has shown that the use of full, solid wood has a positive effect on the volume when grinding.

The thicker the wood, the quieter our mills!

Why wood instead of plastic

Wood is part of human history and is a living, organic material. Real wood is nature and fulfills the desire for authenticity in an artificial world. Anyone who owns a natural wood kitchen will appreciate the advantages of wood. In the solid wood carcass food stays fresh longer, bread does not begin to mold, and so on. Recent studies have even shown that the natural substance has bacterial inhibiting properties.

Germs cannot grow on natural wood surfaces.

Due to its cellular nature, with an almost unimaginably large surface, wood has a strong hygroscopic effect. The associated dehydration creates a hostile atmosphere for bacteria and leads to their death.
For several years now, the subject of “Wood & Hygiene” has been a research focus at the Institute for Wood Research at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna.
Here you can also read a suitable article on WELT.DE >>

Wood has an antistatic effect and thus counteracts dust that is blown up.

tree trunks wood piles

As far as careWood is relatively undemanding as far as maintenance is concerned.
Depending on the use, the surface can be embedded with beeswax or other natural oil waxes once or twice a year.

A particular advantage is that natural wood can be restored to “like-new” condition by lightly sanding the surface, even after years of use. Even spots, dents and scratches can be removed.

Wood is the natural material that is particularly attractive for allergy sufferers.

Wood is one of the sustainable raw materials or. Energy sources. The ease of processing and the associated low energy requirement for extraction and processing also play an important role in the ecological assessment. Wood products perform extremely well in life cycle assessments.

Salzburg grain mills
are characterized by the antistatic and antibacterial effect of the wood – and not only that!

More to follow… (: